Read our sustainability report - 2019/20

Read our sustainability report - 2019/20

It is with great pleasure that we can present Schur’s results within the sustainable efforts we are working on as we have just published our Sustainability report covering the financial year 2019/20.

Among other things, the report gives an insight into our initiatives and progresses as to UN’s Global Compact. As with many other companies, a sustainable business conduct has an important role on our agenda. CEO of Schur International, Hans Schur, explains:

“This year, we are able to celebrate our 175th-anniversary which of course is possible due to many contributing factors. One of them is the fact that we have always had decency as one of our core-values. To us, the 2021-version of decency is – among other things – to take an active part in fulfilling the UN Sustainable Development Goals. We all have a responsibility to make a difference where possible”.

Of the 17 sustainable goals, Schur has committed to prioritize our sustainable efforts around goal number 7 and 12 with a wish of minimizing our footprint on the environment and climate as well as goal number 8 to ensure decent workplaces. Hans Schur elaborates:

“The report offers a great insight into Schur’s goals, efforts, and results within sustainability regarding environment/climate, social matters, and anti-corruption during the past financial year. In addition to this, we are describing the planned efforts for the years to come. It is important to us that everyone in Schur has sustainable efforts top of mind, which is also why we have asked all our locations to participate to this year’s report with cases from their facilities. This gives some specific examples of what sustainability means to Schur and how we are working with it in different manners across the world. It makes me proud that we are able to show great efforts concerning both vulnerable employees and sustainable packaging products, while we also demonstrate how we continuously review our own production to minimize a negative impact on the environment surrounding us”.

You can read the entire report right here.